Pan Am Flight 103 (Lockerbie)

21 Dec
Pan Am Flight 103 Memorial Cairn

Pan Am Flight 103 Memorial Cairn

On December 21 at 1:30PM, the Pender UMC Choir traditionally sang for the Pan Am Flight 103 (Lockerbie) Memorial Service at Arlington National Cemetery.

One of the songs we traditionally sing at this service – “Under His Wings” – was composed in memory of the victims.  On June 20, 2022, a Memorial Concert was held for long-time choir member, Diane Martini. The Pender Sanctuary Choir and the former Master Chorale of Washington sang several of Diane’s favorites. One of her favorites had been “Under His Wings”.

A few years ago was the 25th anniversary of the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing. A C-Span video of the anniversary event

Another video from the anniversary year:

For full remarks about the anniversary service, including speaker’s notes, please see

Here’s a timeline of the terrible event on December 21, 1988:

Extraordinary Response Pan Am 103


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